LIFELINE - 24-Hour Emergency Senior Service

With Lifeline, help is just a phone call away

Lifeline is a 24-hour, phone-based communication system to help those living at home have help when they need it. Lifeline subscribers have a Home Communicator unit attached to a home telephone, and a portable "Help Button," which can be worn as a necklace or bracelet. In an emergency, just push your Help Button.  This will automatically send a message to Lifeline. You will then receive a call to determine what kind of help you need.  If they cannot reach you, they immediately contact the responders that you have selected.

Responders are usually friends, relatives, or neighbors.  It is best if they live nearby and they should have keys to your house so that they have immediate access to your house in an emergency.

To learn more about Lifeline, contact Community Health of Kossuth Regional Health Center at 515-295-4430.

Lifeline Application Information